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Complete Indian History for IAS Exam: Free Download Here

Are you preparing for the IAS exam and looking for a comprehensive resource on Indian history? Look no further! In this article, we will provide you book of Indian history For Free Download. We understand the importance of having easy access to study materials.

Complete Indian History for IAS Exam

Total Number Of Page: 506

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1. Ancient India: From Indus Valley Civilization to Gupta Empire

In this section, we will explore the rich history of ancient India. From the Indus Valley Civilization, one of the world’s oldest urban civilizations, to the mighty Gupta Empire, we will cover the major dynasties, their contributions, and the socio-cultural aspects of each era. Gain a deep understanding of ancient Indian history and its significance in shaping the nation we know today.

2. Medieval India: Rise and Fall of Empires

The medieval period witnessed the rise and fall of several powerful empires in India. From the Delhi Sultanate to the Mughal Empire, we will delve into the political, cultural, and architectural developments of this era. Explore the impact of the Islamic invasions, the establishment of regional kingdoms, and the influence of art and literature during this period.

3. Modern India: From British Raj to Independence

India’s struggle for independence is a significant chapter in its history. In this section, we will analyze the British Raj, the Indian National Movement, and the freedom struggle led by Mahatma Gandhi and other prominent leaders. Understand the socio-political climate of the time and the events that eventually led to India’s independence in 1947.

4. Post-Independence India: Nation-Building and Challenges

After gaining independence, India faced numerous challenges in nation-building. From the integration of princely states to the economic reforms and social changes, we will examine the journey of India as a young nation. Learn about the political landscape, economic policies, and the major milestones that shaped modern India.

5. Current Affairs and Relevance

It is essential to stay updated on current affairs to excel in the IAS exam. In this section, we will highlight the significant events and developments in India’s history that hold relevance in today’s context. From socio-political issues to economic reforms, we will provide you with a holistic understanding of how India’s past continues to shape its present.


Indian history plays a vital role in the IAS exam, and a thorough understanding of the subject is crucial for success. By studying the ancient, medieval, and modern eras, along with the current affairs, you will develop a comprehensive knowledge base. Utilize the free download provided to enhance your preparation. Best of luck with your IAS exam!

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